Hello good people, have you ever needed an item that is imported from a country that has no diplomatic relations with Indonesia such as Israel. As a Muslim, of course, I have experienced a thing that is a dilemma when working on a project like this, was squeezed between professionality and also humanity. 

However, in Indonesia, quite a lot of goods are imported from there and usually goods are sent are goods with high-quality grade such as VSAT (very small aperture terminal). There are several points to be understood when you want to import goods like this, including:

1. Because there is no diplomatic relationship, the direct import can not be done directly to Indonesia. There are several options, but usually rebranding the product in a country that has diplomatic relations with Israel such as Singapore or the Philippines. So that the certificate of origin or commonly called COO can be published.

2. Payment process does not directly pay to the country, preferably using a use-friendly process transaction such as payment gateway or maybe there is ever heard PayPal? Well, supposed to be like that. Because if not done that way, prepare to be called BI (Bank Indonesia) for in interviews regarding transactions that have been done.

Apart from our culture which is mostly anti-national to the country because of the conflict that occurred in Middle East Asia. We can not resist the fact that there are many products here that turned out to be the production of the country, even one of them is the product that we consume every day. After this, the decision on your own will be used for what this information. Will it be seen from the standpoint of professionalism or humanity? So, see you next article 😉

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